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Sunday Mass - 10.45am
Tots & Mums: Tuesday - 9.15am to 11.15am ( 0 - 4 kids & mums welcome)
Tuesday Mass - 9.30am
Social Space
Every Wednesday Morning
From 10 am - 12noon
In the Church hall
Come and enjoy a relaxing morning
With tea/coffee and biscuits.
Everyone very welcome
A Statement of Vision and Mission
- We offer a genuine and warm welcome to all
- We encourage children to play an active part in the life of our church family and we are exploring ways in which children can be fully involved in leading worship and shaping the vision of the church
- We are a people called by God to share the good news of Jesus Christ
- We are 'Anglo Catholic' with a mix of traditional and less formal worship
- We are committed to renewing the Church in the historic faith
- We have a strong teaching ministry and encourage people to explore their faith and vocation
- We are eager to grow both spiritually and numerically
- We are a listening church open to the experience of others
- We serve the local community through a range of groups, activities and events
- We aim to 'be there' for local people facing any kind of crisis or marking a rite of passage (marriage, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one)
- We are engaged with the community in outreach and loving service
- We are a homegoing church in the heart of the community
- We are committed to visiting people in their own homes, listening and responding to their needs through loving service
St Hugh of Lincoln
Sturdee Road
Eyres Monsell
Leicester LE2 9FX
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Sunday Services
10.45am Parish Mass
1st Sunday: Family Mass with worship for all ages
Weekday Services
Tuesday Mass 9.30am
(On the third Wednesday of the month at 6.00pm a Service for Healing and Wholeness TBC)
For Mass times on Saints Days and Holy Days, see Calendar
Morning and Evening Prayer for today
Sacrament of Reconciliation ('Confession'), Spiritual Counsel or just someone to listen: By appointment with one of the clergy.
Open Church
Our church is normally open at the following times for private prayer or reflection, a look around or a friendly chat over a cuppa:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.
There is good wheelchair access into all areas of the church including the church hall. We welcome residents of Cooper House and Vista Homes as regular visitors and worshipers.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Kim Peake. You can contact Kim on 07986 577447 Email kimpeake@hotmail.co.uk
You can also find us on https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Personal-Blog/St-Hugh-Eyres-Monsell-104152134387868/
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